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Export Music Sweden are proud to present a full day of panels and keynotes focused on the UK market. We’ll cover all the key features, insights and small tips and tricks that you need to know before entering this massive music market. It doesn’t matter if you’ve worked towards the UK before, working right now or still only have plans for exporting – you’ll learn something regardless.

To participate: REGISTER HERE

When: October 13, full day seminar 9.30–16.00 + mingle
Where: Nalen, Regeringsgatan 74, Stockholm
09.30–10.00 Breakfast
10.00–11.00 Overview of the market
11.00–11.45 Promotion and Distribution
11.45–13.00 Lunch break
13.00–14.10 Financial
14.10–14.20 Short break
14.20–15.05 Streaming in the UK
15.10–16.00 Radio in the UK
16.00–17.30 After-seminar mingle
Overview of the UK market with Francine Gorman 10.00–11.00
With expertise in both the UK and Nordic market, our keynote speaker Francine Gorman will guide us through the main pillars of this exciting market. How does people in the UK consume music? What does the statistics say about marketing? How does the market share per repertoire look like? These, and many other things, will be covered.
Promotion and Distribution 11.00–11.45
Our first panel of the day will be focused on promotion and distribution in the UK. Sandra Croft from Redeye Worldwide, Lorraine Long from Charm Factory and James Barker from Mystic Sons will answer questions about how to make a successful distribution plan, digital vs. physical, characteristics in the UK market when it comes to distribution and PR, the potential for Swedish music in the UK and so forth. Turn a blank page in your notebook and take notes – this is very important for anyone trying to break in the UK.
Lunch Break 11.45–13.00
(lunch is not included)
Keynote by Colin Young (Young & CO) 13.00–14.10
It’s time to get your financials in order! Colin Young from the UK accounting firm CC Young & CO, will help you to sort it all out. Colin will go deeper into the financial flows from streaming services, physical release vs. digital release, and how Brexit affects the music industry. A must for all companies wanting to do business in the UK in the coming years.
Short Break 14.10–14.20
Streaming in the UK 14.20–15.05
Let’s dig deeper into how the industry works with playlists and streaming. What’s essential to think about when you’re working to get tracks into playlists? Which are the most important playlist platforms in the UK right now? This, and much more will be covered in our second panel of the day, which features Justin Barker (Head of Global Streaming Strategy at PIAS), Jason Reed (Head of Digital at Domino Recordings) and Sam Lee (Founder of Songular). Streams on the way!
Radio in the UK with John Hillcock (BBC Radio 6) 15.10–16.00
John Hillcock is a radio DJ and presenter who is currently deputy presenter on BBC Radio 6. In this live interview, John will speak about radio in the UK – both past and present. What does the opportunities for Swedish artists look like? Can you still break an artist through radio? Who are the key players? We’re really excited to hear what this radio legend has to say about this subject. Tune in!
After-seminar mingle 16.00–17.30 
Let’s mingle afterwords with some cold beverages! Take the chance to meet with some of our panelists. Location will be announced shortly.
The seminar is as usual free of charge, but don’t forget to RSVP.
Questions? Contact Sofia at


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