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ExMS på Iceland Airwaves och Faroe Music Export affilliate medlem i NOMEX

I slutet av förra veckan (v45) var ExMS på Iceland Airwaves och bjöd tillsammans med Nomex in till ett JA JA JA mingel med nordisk och internationell bransch. 

Under minglet presenterade vi att Faroe Music Export nu är en affilliate medlem i NOMEX!
Läs mer om detta nedan!

NOMEX and Faroe Music Export (FMX) are proud to announce the affiliated membership of FMX in the pan-Nordic platform.

NOMEX (Nordic Music Export Programme) was founded in 2012 by the five music export offices in the Nordic region: Music Norway, Export Music Sweden, Music Export Denmark, Music Finland and lceland Music. The initiative is set up to facilitate growth and development in the Nordic music sector through media development, transnational promotion and support services for artists. Through projects spanning the Nordic region and beyond, NOMEX embraces the essential and added value of Nordic collaboration as a rising force within the international music industry.

Faroe Music Export (FMX), the Faroe Islands’ music export platform, is the first affiliated member of NOMEX. The Faroese government office works at an industry level to support and facilitate the export of Faroese music across all genres, developing initiatives and opportunities for Faroese music and its international partners, both at home and abroad.

“On behalf of Faroe Music Export (FMX), I want to thank NOMEX for this fantastic opportunity and for opening their doors to us. While the Faroe Islands may be a small country, I think everyone in the industry has noticed our growth on the international music scene since FMX was established in 2019. This affiliate membership with NOMEX feels like a natural next step, and the timing is just right. I’m confident that our cooperation with NOMEX will be incredibly beneficial. At the same time, FMX is committed to being a valuable, contributing member, bringing our knowledge, network, and experience to the table — and, last but not least, an incredible and rapidly growing music scene.

NOMEX affiliate members are national organisations committed to music export from the Nordic region outside the original founding countries of NOMEX. NOMEX aims to keep affiliate membership aligned to national membership with a focus on inter-Nordic collaboration on music export, knowledge sharing and collaboration on relevant activities.

“Just like Iceland, the Faroe Islands are a small and unique music market with immense talent but little industry. Iceland has been a member of NOMEX from the start and we know how much it means to belong to a network where it’s possible to collaborate on meaningful projects on a pan-Nordic level and share knowledge and experience with our colleagues in the Nordics. Equally, NOMEX is lucky to have FMX on board and we look forward to future collaborations!”
-says María Rut Reynisdóttir, director of Iceland Music.


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