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With the support from Nordic Culture Point, Tempi in partnership with Nordic Folk Alliance and NOMEX, presents Nordic Foothold, a mentorship program that wants to professionalise and build networks across the Nordic region. By having musicians and music professionals complete a mentoring course with established industry players, with the aim of creating a better foothold for folk music across the Nordic region. A more professionalized folk music environment provides more space for music, just as a better cross-Nordic network will create more opportunities across national borders.


Who can apply?

Danish,Finish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish Nordic Folk artists: musicians, composers and bands
Danish, Finish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish Nordic industry: Agents, management, record labels, etc..

What’s the program about?

If you are an artist you get access to 3 sessions consisting of 90 minutes of one to one mentorship sessions relevant with a key Nordic industry mentor. The topic of the sessions can be defined by the artist and mentor to fit the artist’s goals relevant in the moment of taking this mentorship.
If you are an industry person, you will be invited to 2 peer sessions of 90 minutes, where we will have international mentors, talking to a group of peers about best business practices and study cases.

When is the program going to launch?

It is expected that the first sessions take part from March 2021, as the sessions will be carried out online due to Covid19 restrictions, the first mentorship session can be flexible and agreed by mentors and mentees.

Who is going to select the participants?

2 artists and 1 industry person per Nordic country will be selected (Finland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden & Denmark). The mentors will select the artist that they think they match their skills or belong to their field of expertise.


20th January 2021, 12:00h p.m CET.



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