Kathrine Synnes Finnskog, Managing Director hos Music Norway, är vald till ny styrelseordförande för NOMEX.
NOMEX – Nordic Music Export Program är det gemensamma initiativet och samarbetet mellan de nordiska exportkontoren: Export Music Sweden, Music Norway, Iceland Music, Music Finland och Music Export Denmark. Nätverket etablerades 2008.
– NOMEX is showcasing the Nordic Model in a great way, a model the world should look to right now. We have peace and enough stability in our region to develop and execute international projects in cooperation with our Nordic neighbours. I feel that the trust we get from our international partners gives NOMEX high credibility when working abroad. Our joint venture makes it possible to work both strategically to reach the world from here in the north, and it strengthens our Nordic relations. The international demand is increasing, but I also believe we have a lot of potential in the Intra-Nordic market. It’s closely integrated culturally, more sustainable than travelling far, and a solid platform in the Nordics gives you more traction when you pursue success in other markets internationally, säger Kathrine Synnes Finnskog, Managing Director hos Music Norway.
Nätverket samarbetar kring en rad stora projekt som handelsdelegationerna till Tokyo, Seoul, Los Angeles och Mexico City. Nätverket finansierar även showcase-plattformen Ja Ja Ja i London och Berlin. NOMEX ligger dessutom bakom initiativet Nordic Music Biz’ 20 under 30, för att uppmärksamma och hylla unga förmågor i den Nordiska musikindustrin. Showcasefestivalen Nordic Folk Alliance som baseras på konceptet från Folk Alliance International startades av NOMEX under 2018 och håller sin tredje upplaga mellan den 1-2 april 2020 i Göteborg. NOMEX finansierades mellan 2012 -2017 av Nordic Council of Ministers.
– NOMEX is showcasing the Nordic Model in a great way, a model the world should look to right now. We have peace and enough stability in our region to develop and execute international projects in cooperation with our Nordic neighbours. I feel that the trust we get from our international partners gives NOMEX high credibility when working abroad. Our joint venture makes it possible to work both strategically to reach the world from here in the north, and it strengthens our Nordic relations. The international demand is increasing, but I also believe we have a lot of potential in the Intra-Nordic market. It’s closely integrated culturally, more sustainable than travelling far, and a solid platform in the Nordics gives you more traction when you pursue success in other markets internationally, säger Kathrine Synnes Finnskog, Managing Director hos Music Norway.
Nätverket samarbetar kring en rad stora projekt som handelsdelegationerna till Tokyo, Seoul, Los Angeles och Mexico City. Nätverket finansierar även showcase-plattformen Ja Ja Ja i London och Berlin. NOMEX ligger dessutom bakom initiativet Nordic Music Biz’ 20 under 30, för att uppmärksamma och hylla unga förmågor i den Nordiska musikindustrin. Showcasefestivalen Nordic Folk Alliance som baseras på konceptet från Folk Alliance International startades av NOMEX under 2018 och håller sin tredje upplaga mellan den 1-2 april 2020 i Göteborg. NOMEX finansierades mellan 2012 -2017 av Nordic Council of Ministers.